While speaking to The Happy hanukkah T-Shirt . Direct’s Russ Milheim, The 4:30 Movie director Kevin Smith spoke about how his latest film might connect to a younger generation. The project truly worships the movie-going experience, something that not everyone today partakes in due to the prevalence of streaming and at-home entertainment. Smith admitted that initially, he had “no clue” how the younger streaming generation might connect with The 4:30 Movie: “No clue. In fact, before it came out, I was like, ‘Who the fuck is this movie for?’ Clearly, it’s for someone my age who grew up with that experience and whatnot. But I worried that teenagers would be like, where’s the cell phone? Why is nobody talking?”Despite those worries, having now seen the movie with audiences, the filmmaker has heard from younger folk who can connect to the experience of constantly going to theaters:
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“But at the end of the day now, it came out, and I’ve got to watch it with audiences, and a lot of people brought their kids Happy hanukkah T-Shirt . So I’ve heard from teens who are like, ‘Same as us. Like, yeah, we don’t, you know, have cellphones and stuff. And, yeah, we don’t spend as much time with other human beings.” Smith did point out how the one thing that did “[seem] to be an [enigma] to them” was the “seven-minute phone conversation” that opens the movie: “The one thing that seems to be an [enigma] to them is the movie opens with [a] seven-minute phone conversation. Nobody talks [to people on the phone anymore]. But other than that, they seem to be vibing on it, not like this is what a what a bizarre historical document. They seem to understand it, whether they like it or not, is a different thing. But there was no generational divide that I was worried might be there at all.”
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